Tram heading2-1
Understanding the needs of people from a Godly perspective and bringing into line compassionate care and social justice to bring healing to a broken world.
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Diploma of Social Science

Get practical and theoretical knowledge and concepts with some depth relating to applied social sciences discipline areas. Understand diverse groups of human beings, the issues they face in contemporary society, and know the roles and skills required of those working in applied social sciences contexts.

Bachelor of Human Services

Engage meaningfully with important questions of human experience and be well-equipped to improve society through effective people-helping practice. Gain theoretical and hands-on experience and develop essential skills in working with diverse groups of people in managing the issues they face in modern society

Bachelor of Counselling

Be equipped with the knowledge, counselling skills and experience necessary to work ethically, sensitively, inclusively and respectfully with clients from diverse backgrounds. As well as incorporating foundational understandings, the Bachelor of Counselling includes opportunities for critical reflection on counselling theory and practice, and in-depth engagement with key areas and issues of counselling.

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