Get a HEAD START on Uni with up-to 4 units FOR FREE!
Units from various courses can be completed online or on the CHC campus. Through Head Start you can get a taste of what you want to study before you graduate, finish your studies after school sooner, lower your education costs, and ease your admission process!
The Head Start program is designed as a pathway of admission to your higher education studies. When you successfully complete a Head Start unit, you automatically meet the academic entry requirements for admission to the related undergraduate course following completion of Year 12 (other entry requirements may also apply). If you are accepted into this program, you will also receive credit towards your degree for the related Head Start unit(s) you have successfully completed.

How to Apply
To enrol in a Head Start Unit, simply fill out our Online Application Form. Follow the course application and choose Launch.
You will need to upload your most recent academic results and a letter of consent from your parents. You may also require a letter of consent from your school. If you don’t have these documents on hand, feel free to submit your application anyway and we will contact you regarding the documentation we require.
Enquiries about Head Start should be directed to: CHC Admissions Office
Email address: admissions@chc.edu.au
Phone: 07 3347 7915
HEAD START Requirements
As a Head Start student, you will be part of a class of first-year CHC undergraduate students. The Head Start program is normally offered outside of school hours, and you will need to attend all of the required classes for the unit. Head Start units normally require three hours of on-campus or online contact per week and it is recommended that you undertake an additional seven hours of personal study each week (a total of 10 hours per week).
Some Head Start units are available externally/online. You do not need to attend any physical classes for external/online units, but you need to engage in the learning materials for approximately ten hours per week via the Moodle learning platform.
Just remember that these commitments are on top of your Year 11 and/or Year 12 study program.
You are eligible to apply for the Head Start program if:
- You are currently in Year 11 or 12;
- You are achieving ‘A’ or ‘B’ results in your school subjects (‘C’ results will be considered on a case-by-case basis);
- You have the support of your school and your parents/guardians.
Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA):
For students completing the Queensland Certificate of Education, CHC is required to inform the Queensland Studies Authority of students enrolled in the Head Start program and their resulting grades. This is for recording on the Queensland Certificate of Education. A Head Start unit is recorded as two credits of Advanced courses of study – it does not count towards your ATAR.
HEAD START Units - This Semester
Business: BZ101 Business Communication
Education: CR111 Introduction to Cross Curricular literacies | ES113 Educational Psychology: Learning and Development | CE116 Christian Worldview and Teaching Practice 1
Social Sciences: CO100 Mental Health and Wellbeing
Ministry: JB104 Spiritual Transformation